Ingredients needed:

-1 tablespoon of fresh ginger or ginger powder
-olive oil

  • napkins and adhesive tape

How to prepare the remedy:

First, we mix the flour and honey, then add ginger and olive oil. We mix again and put the mixture on a napkin that we have to wrap in cheesecloth.

Then we fix the resulting compress on the chest with adhesive tape. The child must keep the compress for 3 hours before going to bed. Adults can keep the compress overnight.

You have to take into account the fact that you will sweat quite a lot. This compress has no negative effects, however, children have sensitive skin, so you have to be careful.

Informative note: you can also use aluminum foil and/or add coconut oil instead of olive oil. The results are very good, the effects are immediate.

Informative note 2: This article is sent for informational purposes and we recommend that you consult a (doctor) specialist before starting any treatment.

Good health!